Each and every day we do everything we can to offer you the best possible service and products. Every customer is unique and has his or her own needs and expectations. Banking is a people business. And sometimes things can turn out differently than you might have hoped or envisaged.
So if you’re not happy about something, simply let us know. Because we take all of the comments we receive from you seriously. Then we analyse them in depth so that we can learn from them and improve our products and services.
Who can you talk to?
Read moreYour familiar and usual contact person knows you best and is happy to make time to listen to you and look for a solution.
Can’t find a solution after talking to us about it?
Contact our Complaints Management Department (FR)
For legal reasons and to monitor the quality of our service, telephone calls may be recorded.
You will find more information about your privacy on belfius.be/privacycharter.
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If you are not satisfied with the solution proposed by our Complaints Management Department, you can take your complaint to our Negotiator.
For legal reasons and to monitor the quality of our service, telephone calls may be recorded.
You will find more information about your privacy on belfius.be/privacycharter.
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If you are not satisfied with the solution finally proposed by Belfius, you can take your complaint to: