Did you know that ...

  • 77% of companies have already experienced attempted fraud?
  • Fraud is proved in 22% of cases, with an average loss of EUR 150,000.
  • 19% of frauds are discovered by chance!
  • In two years, fraud attempts have more than doubled and the amounts involved are now regularly higher than EUR 50,000.
  • 10% of the companies attacked suffer losses of more than EUR 100,000.


Fraud by teleworking

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 crisis offers a new playground for cybercriminals. Be extremely vigilant at a time when your staff members do a lot of teleworking and communication takes place at a distance!

Video in French

Some examples of fraud

  • Technical fraud (malware)

    MMI techfraude

    Manipulation of transactions by means of malevolent software.

  • Invoice fraud

    MMI Facturenfraude

    Manipulation of account numbers, fraudulent e-mails, announcement of settlement via factoring,..

  • Internal fraud - social engineering

    MMI Facturenfraude

    Transfer of money through indirect routes to own accounts, payment of false invoices, abuse of mandate...

  • Phishing

    MMI Phishing

    Access data, cards and passwords obtained by telephone, email or websites falsified and used fraudulently.

  • Identity theft

    MMI IDfraude

    A person poses as somebody else with the authority to order payment to colleagues with access to company accounts

Belfius, your trustworthy partner

  • A personalised service and a fixed point of contact: your Servicing Officer for operational management

    MMI servicing officer
    • Operational reference point
    • Overview of your accesses, powers on account
    • Key contact in case of doubtful transactions
  • A team of E-Banking consultants

    MMI team
    • Training/awareness sessions
    • Optimisation of the parameters of your tool
  • Complete, secure, customisable e-banking tools

    MMI ebank
    • BelfiusWeb (pc/App)
      • BelfiusWeb provides you with a highly secure environment. Thanks to a complex system of filters, scanning tools and firewalls, the bank's internal data are protected against any attempt at interception.
      • This secure tool is easily identifiable by its “https” address (with the “s” for secure) and the padlock preceding it.
      • The information exchanged between your computer and the bank is encrypted (SSL protocol).
      • Access to your banking data is personal and takes place by means of your BelfiusWeb Card, your secret code and your card reader. The combination of an encrypted code generated at each attempt, your bank card and your secret code constitutes a unique key to access your accounts.
      • The Belfius card reader is one of the most secure on the market thanks to its three keys, LOGIN (to log in), SIGN (to sign in) and BUY (to buy on the Internet).
      • Your session is automatically closed after a few minutes of inactivity.
      • BelfiusWeb is regularly adapted to the latest standards in terms of comfort and security, and is fully automated.
  • Complete and entirely secure reporting solutions

    MMI oplossing
    • PaPyRuS/Coda/Alerting
  • The Security Profile (Specific solutions implemented within Belfius)

    MMI belfius-oplossing

    Through its Security Profile, a 100% free service, Belfius allows you to protect yourself very easily against a whole range of fraud attempts

    Thanks to the Security Profile you can:

    • block all requests for paper transfers to all or some of your accounts managed by Belfius Bank
    • prohibit all or certain direct debits on your accounts managed by Belfius Bank
    • restrict your international transfers to a number of countries determined by you
    • het gebruik van bankkaarten tot bepaalde bedragen en landen limiteren
    • limit the use of your debit cards to certain amounts and to certain countries
    • limit the use of your credit cards to certain regions of the world or prohibit purchases on the Internet

    The Security Profile is therefore a tailor-made service which, depending on your daily internal operations and usage, will limit the use of your products to your usual operations.

    Any abnormal use of your products in your organisation will therefore be blocked. This is an effective protection against a whole range of internal or external frauds!

  • Fraud Monitoring System (Specific solutions implemented within Belfius)

    MMI belfius-oplossing

    This is a system for detecting “suspicious” payments transiting via Belfius.

    In case of doubt, the transaction will be blocked and your Servicing Officer will ask you for an effective confirmation. This confirmation implies that you take full responsibility for the consequences of this payment.

    It is a tool to limit the risk but without any commitment to results.

  • Exclusive partners

    A scan of internal procedures

    A diagnosis of the exposure to fraud risks and recommendations.
    MMI logo bdo
    To inform your organisation of the existence of potential risks and to be the starting point for a road map intended to limit such risks.

    • Diagnosis of the exposure to fraud risks: questionnaire allowing you to assess whether your organisation is subject to the most frequent fraud risks (11 areas are analysed).
    • The overall quality of your organisation's arrangements to deal with these fraud risks is assessed and recommendations are made for each significant risk identified.
    • The assessments and recommendations are the result of interviews with the organisation's staff and are based exclusively on their responses.

    Anti-fraud software

    An effective solution for monitoring and ensuring the integrity of third parties in your bank transaction files.


    MMI logo key business

    Highlighting the risks associated with false invoicing and internal fraud.

    • Software for automatic and instant control of your payment files.
    • Control based on the name and account number of your third parties.
    • A “white” list of your third parties whose payments will be authorised.
    • A “black” list of your third parties whose payments will have to be checked.
    • The “four eyes” principle in the different menus of the application.

    Screening your company’s IT environment

    A systematic assessment of your security systems on the basis of an audit.
    MMI logo secutec
    Testing firewall and antivirus software, preventing any hacking.

    • Comprehensive screening / assessment of your company's IT environment.
    • The assessment is measured on the basis of established criteria.
    • Assessment of the following points: physical configuration, security of the environment, software, processes, information processing and use of various systems.
    • Report on gaps in the security infrastructure and advice on corrective measures to be taken.

  • Some useful advice

    • Review your company’s/administration's payment processes for weaknesses and contact the supplier if there is a sudden change in payment data

    • Adapt procedures and controls (e.g. ensure that payments can only be made by double signature, assign someone to procedures/controls).

    • Inform and educate your staff members about the importance of contacting a manager if in doubt.

    • Manage your residual cash professionally, for which we offer new solutions.

    • IfBelfius calls you about a detected fraud threat, take it seriously!

    • Be careful about the content of messages you receive (e-mails, letters, and so on).

    • Never give your card or pin code to a third party. BelfiusWeb Mobile allows you to sign an order remotely wherever you are, with your smartphone or tablet.

    • With PSD II, new players can request access to your accounts for consultation and execution. Be careful if you allow such access. If you want to aggregate the accounts of different banks on one application, go through Belfius.

    • Ask Belfius to install a system to block “paper” payments and payments outside Belgium systematically. except for certain selected countries

    In the event of fraud: contact Belfius as quickly as possible!

What to do in the case of fraudulent use of your data

CEO fraud

Be vigilant! (Video in French)

Invoice fraud

Change of account, fraudulent e-mails, announcement of settlement via factoring... (Video in French)

Phishing, be vigilant!

This video explains how phishing takes place and shows those things to which you should pay great attention. (Video in French)

Example of phishing e-mail