For optimum use of BelfiusWeb

We try our best to constantly improve your BelfiusWeb, taking into account your user experience feedback. On this page, we put useful tips to improve and facilitate your use of BelfiusWeb. Consult it regularly to learn more about the new subjects we propose.

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How to create a favourite/bookmark to log on in a single click?

Select your browser to read the instructions:

  • Google Chrome

    • From this page, click on the star on the far right-hand side of the address bar ( Chrome-0)



    • Name: The default name for the favourite is “My BelfiusWeb”, but you can personalise it – which is useful if there are several of you using the same PC in the same session, each with your own BelfiusWeb Card.
      When this is the case, having “BelfiusWeb + your first name” enables each user to see which favourite he or she should use to connect.
    • Folder: This enables you to indicate where you want this favourite to be located. A folder is displayed by default.
      You can change the suggested location by clicking on the little arrow that opens a dropdown menu.
      If you have a favourites bar, we recommend you place the folder there.
    • Click on “Done”: The favourite will then be displayed in the location you have indicated.
  • Mozilla Firefox


    • From this page, click on the star in the address bar.
      NB: If the star is not in the address bar, click on the Firefox-0 icon, right-click on the “Mark this page” entry, then click on “Add to address bar”.  Firefox-3

      The star turns blue when the page is marked and a window appears so that you can add a name, change the location or give a label to your bookmark.  Firefox-4
    • Name: This is useful if there are several of you using the PC in the same session, each with your own BelfiusWeb Card. In which case, “BelfiusWeb + your first name” makes it easy for each user to know which signet to connect to.
    • Folder: You can choose where you want this bookmark to be located by selecting the location from the dropdown menu. If you have a personal bar, we recommend you place it there.
    • Labels: you can use labels to help you search through your bookmarks and organise them.  
    • Click on “End”. Your bookmark will be located in the place you selected.
  • Safari


    • From this page, click on the Share button (Safari-0) in the toolbar (at top right of the address bar), then select “Add a signet”. 
    • Choose the location where you want the signet to be and rename it, if you wish.
      • Add this page to: You can choose where you want this signet to be located. To place the signet in the toolbar, select “Signets” using the little blue arrows.
      • Personalise the signet: This is useful if there are several of you using the same PC in the same session, each with your own BelfiusWeb Card. In which case, “BelfiusWeb + your first name” makes it easy for each user to know which signet to connect to.
      • Add a description: You can add more details to help you remember the webpage.
    • Click on “Add”: the signet will be recorded in the location you have designated.




  • Internet Explorer


    • From this page, click on the star located in the top right-hand corner of the browser.   


      • Click on “Add favourite”
      • Favourite location”: by clicking on the little arrow that opens the dropdown menu, you can choose the location you want for the favourite. If you have a favourites bar, we suggest you place it there.
      • Favourite name”: The default name for the favourite is “My BelfiusWeb”, but you can change the name if there are several of you using the same PC in the same session, each with your own BelfiusWeb Card. When this is the case, “BelfiusWeb + your first name” is an easy way to enable each user to recognise which favourite to connect to.

    • When connecting afterwards, clicking on the favourite means you won’t have to enter your BelfiusWeb Card number any more.
  • Edge

    • Click on this page on the star on the right side of the address bar (Edge1)

      • "Name": the default name of the favourite is "My BelfiusWeb".
        You can personalize it if you want. This could be useful when sharing the pc with others under the same session, with everyone using their own BelfiusWeb Card. Thus every user can easily recognize with which favourite he has to log on, by typing "BelfiusWeb + your first name".
    • "Save in": you can choose where you want to find this favourite. A default folder will be indicated. If you want to change the proposed location, then click on the little arrow in order to open a dropdown menu. Do you have a favourites bar? Than we advise you to put it over there.
    • Click on "Save": the favourite will appear at the spot you have indicated.