Cybercrime: how to maintain maximum vigilance?

The financial consequences of malicious acts such as phishing can be dramatic for your organisation or business. So you need to be on red alert at all times.

Particularly if you are contacted by e-mail and/or telephone by someone claiming to be a Belfius employee and who

Here is an example of a scam e-mail we came across recently. A lack of vigilance cost this customer a lot of money.

MMI Mail-Phishing

The customer, thinking it was a genuine e-mail from Belfius, clicked on the link and gave out their telephone number and BelfiusWeb card number.

Two hours later, this customer received a telephone call.

The caller asked the customer to use their card reader and give details of their codes. As a result, the fraudster was able to make a transfer with total impunity via BelfiusWeb.

What’s the best way to recognise the traps set by this type of e-mail?

  • Check the sender’s address.
    When it comes to operational messages, Belfius or your contact person will always use your BelfiusWeb messaging service or send an e-mail directly to you. You can then recognise the person’s last name and first name in the e-mail sent or in the signature. But watch out! Because there are some phishing e-mails that do indeed come from
  • Check the link you are being asked to click: hover over the link with your cursor, but without clicking the link itself. The full URL will appear at bottom left on your screen. If it looks strange to you in any way, whatever you do, don’t click on it. It could be a trap.
  • Check the message for mistakes in the spelling and grammar: if the wording contains mistakes or strange turns of phrase, that’s because the message does not come from Belfius Bank.

For its part, Belfius always respects certain procedures when it contacts you/strong>

  • You will NEVER be asked to provide personal information by e-mail, including the number of your card for accessing BelfiusWeb or the code displayed on your card reader for connecting to BelfiusWeb.
  • If you have the slightest doubt, get in touch with your contact person at Belfius immediately. He or she will be able to confirm whether such a request is valid or not.

Phishing, be vigilant!

This video explains how phishing takes place and shows those things to which you should pay great attention. (Video in French)

Example of phishing e-mail

For more information about these issues, do not hesitate to watch our webinar and view our online dossier.

Your contact person at Belfius is also available.