What can you do as a Master User?

Appointing one or more Master Users within your organisation is as easy as completing the last paragraph of the framework agreement. You then simply send it by e-mail to e-pub-contracts@belfius.be.

In the manuals “Access Management” and “Mandate Management” you can find all the detailed information on the role of the Master User. These are the main points:


5 points

  • 1. You can create a new user, either by copying the access of an existing user, or by customising the access, or with the unique CardViewer function: .

    “Management”/ “Access Management” menu:

    • Click on the button “New User”/li>
    • Select:
      • Assign the access of an existing user to the new user if the new user can have exactly the same access as one of their colleagues.
      • Customise the new user's access by choosing the options and products available.
      • Limit the user's access to viewing the entity's maps if they cannot see any data or perform any operation.
  • 2. You can manage the access of users in your entity.

    You can add, remove or block them. You can define the products they are able to consult or manage, and the services they can use.

    “Access Management” menu:

    • click on the three dots to the right of the user's name,
    • select the “Edit Features” option,
    • select the features to be added or removed.

    The change will be operational the next day.

  • 3. You have a clear view of all the features available to your staff members in BelfiusWeb.

    “Access Management” menu:

    • click on the three dots to the right of the user's name,
    • click on “Details”,
    • in the “Features and Restrictions” tab you will see a summary of the user's access.
  • 4. You can convert a Master User to a simple user of BelfiusWeb.

    “Access Management” menu:

    • click on the three dots to the right of the user's name,
    • click on “Convert to BelfiusWeb User”.
  • 5. You can manage mandates on accounts.

    The manual “Mandate Management” describes all the possibilities in detail.

    “Mandate Management menu: Two tabs:

    • Accounts: all your accounts are shown. Click on the three dots to the right of the account number.
      • Signature rules: you can download these rules for this account.
      • Power of attorney management: you can have the powers of attorney on this account adapted. An email will be sent to your Servicing Officer, who will do the necessary for you.
        Attention: to cancel all powers of attorney of a same person on several accounts, use the “attorneys” tab (see below).
    • Mandate Holders: the list of all the mandate holders is shown.
      • Accounts: the list of accounts for which the person has a mandate is shown. You can select the accounts for which to delete the mandate.
      • Cancel a mandate: if the person has changed function or has left the entity, you can cancel his powers of attorney on all accounts here. An email will be sent to your Servicing Officer, who will do the necessary for you.