
Alerts so that you will not forget anything

By activating alerts, you are guaranteed not to forget anything. By e-mail or via BelfiusWeb, a reminder or signal is sent to you for payments still to be signed, for a request or order which does not go through or for any useful information for your management.

Activating an alert is very simple in BelfiusWeb
  • Check your personal data if you wish to receive e-mail alerts (Management/My personal data/My contact e-mail addresses)
  • Activate the BelfiusWeb App on your smartphone to view your alerts in the app or receive push notifications.
  • Set up your personal alerts (Management/My alert definitions)

From now on, you will be reminded of the events in which you are interested!




  • Tracking balances
  • Tracking available funds
  • Tracking transactions to be received
  • Tracking execution of memo orders
  • Transfers yet to be signed
  • Transaction pending
  • Tracking standing orders



  • Partially accepted file
  • File rejected due to errors/duplicate file
  • File awaiting signature
  • CODA/XML file to be downloaded
  • Credit files to be downloaded



  • Maturity date of an investment in a securities account
  • Maturity date of an investment in a term account
  • Coupon payment from a securities account
  • Term investment awaiting signature
  • Term investment awaiting available funds
  • Cancellation of a term investment
  • Maturity date of a straight deposit
  • Maturity date of a structured deposit


  • Consolidation of a flexible loan
  • Review of a flexible loan
  • Flexible loan with available credit facility = 0
  • Expiry date of an annual plan
  • Expiry date of a fixed-term loan
  • Drawdown awaiting available funds
  • Expiry date of a drawdown
  • Renewal of automatic drawdown cancelled


  • Acceptance of European direct debit mandate


  • Statement of expenditure
  • Tracking interest rates
